OCA Spring Sports Day
The Old Caterhamians and School Sports teams go head-to-head in Hockey, Basketball and Netball at the OCA Spring Sports Day on Sunday 26 February 2023.
All Old Cats are welcome to join in the fun – just come along to cheer on your peers and catch up with old friends – or if you are interested in playing, please get in touch – just email: annie.hebden@caterhamschool.co.uk
Schedule for the day:
10.45am HOCKEY Recent Leavers v ‘Gold Cats’ OC Team, Astro
12.00pm BASKETBALL School v Old Caterhamians, Sports Hall
12.00pm NETBALL School 1st VII v Old Caterhamians, Netball Courts
12.10pm HOCKEY School 1st XI v Old Caterhamians, Astro
1.30pm Presentations and Refreshments available in The Concourse, Main School
Old Cats Drinks in the Leathem Room (Caterham School) – Saturday 25 February 2023
If you’re back for this sports afternoon, please do join us for Old Cats drinks the night before.
The OCA Committee invite all Old Cats to join them for complimentary drinks back at school on Saturday 25 February at 6.30pm.
Old Cats drinks is a free event, but please do let us know if you plan on joining us for catering purposes. REGISTER HERE.
Super & Classic Car Sunday
This year Old Cats and parents are showcasing some of their super and classic cars and motorbikes for you to enjoy whilst spectating the sports. More info.
The Sports Centre is currently under renovation, so the map below highlights the parking and spectating areas for this year:
Click here to see more photos of the last Spring OCA Day held at school in 2022.
For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact Annie Hebden, Alumni Officer
(annie.hebden@caterhamschool.co.uk / tel: 01883 335091).