Welcome to the OCA
Welcome to the Old Caterhamians' Association (OCA), a vibrant, connected community offering a professional and social network for former students of Caterham School, a group proud to call itself the Old Cats. Our mission is to make the OCA as inclusive and relevant to our members and the wider school community as possible.
You may be a recent leaver looking for university or career advice who could benefit from the deep pool of talent which the school produces; or you may have left the school some 10, 20 or 30 plus years ago and would like to reconnect with old friends; or you may be considering sending your own children or grandchildren to Caterham.
We hope you are able to attend at least one event a year and, in return for your support, we hope you will gain the satisfaction of being associated with this thriving community and maybe even have some fun along the way! Come and join us!
At its core, the OCA provides a continuing link to the School through a vibrant programme of events.