OCA Day Remembrance Sunday 2021
The annual OCA Day lacrosse and rugby matches and Caterham School Remembrance Sunday observations will take place on Sunday 14 November 2021.
All Caterhamians – current and former pupils, parents, and friends of the School are welcome to join us.
9.30am Refreshments available in the Concourse
10.40am Service of Remembrance and the Guard of Honour at the front of the School
11.30am Recital of Reflection and Contemplation in the Wilberforce Hall
12pm Remembrance Sunday Lunch in the Refectory (click here to book tickets for the three-course lunch)
The OCA Sports Afternoon will see lacrosse and rugby matches played on Home Field with refreshments for all players and spectators in the Leathem Room. Matches are scheduled to start once the Remembrance Sunday Lunch has finished and will finish before it gets dark!
The Recent Leavers Lacrosse team is being co-ordinated by Mai Wallace (maiwallace312@gmail.com); and the Presidents XV Rugby team is Alex Criscoulo (alexcriscuolo4@gmail.com). Please get in touch with them if you would like to play.
1.00pm Refreshments (soup/sandwiches) available for players and spectators in the Leathem Room
1.45pm Two Minutes Silence
1.50-3.05pm Lacrosse Match (School 1st XII v OC Recent Leavers)
1.50-3.30pm Rugby Match (Presidents XV v Old Caterhamians XV)
3.30pm OCA President’s Presentations and Afternoon Tea in the Leathem Room
To see photos of the last Autumn OCA Day held at school, please click here
For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact Annie Hebden, Alumni Officer
(oldcats@caterhamschool.co.uk / tel: 01883 335091).