Obituary: John Mortimer
John Mortimer
(OC 1965-1972)
Born 1953, died 15 September 2020
It is with great sadness we announce the passing of John Mortimer, following a long battle with cancer. In true ‘John style’ he fought the disease until he passed away peacefully at home on 15 September 2020.
John was born in 1953 and grew up in Caterham. He attended Caterham School from 1965-1972 where he was a School Prefect. John maintained strong ties with Caterham School throughout his life as an Old Caterhamian and active member of the School Foundation. He lived in Wiltshire with his wife Carole.
A qualified mining engineer, John had a very successful mining career working for Hanson and predecessor companies for 25 years. For 17 years John passionately represented the future security of CLA members’ business and rural communities as Director CLA South West. Outside of work he was a talented gardener producing prize winning produce for local shows. He was also chairman of the Swindon and Wiltshire LEP where he threw himself into the role to promote the local area and boost productivity for local businesses.
For those of you who had the privilege of knowing John you will no doubt have fond memories of him. Our thoughts and best wishes go out to his family.