Obituary: Derek Horsnell
Derek Horsnell
(OC 1947-1953)
Born 11 March 1936, died 2 January 2021
I have to report the passing away of Derek Horsnell OC on the second of January this year in a Nursing Home in Broadstairs, Kent. His wife Daphne had passed away 4 years previously.
I had known Derek for nearly eighty years. We lived next door to one another from the age of six. I was best man at his Wedding and he was one of the Ushers at my Wedding. At one time his family had a very successful ladies swimwear manufacturing company (Nelbarden) at Ramsgate, Kent which his father started. Derek’s wife, Daphne was the designer. They sold out some years ago.
Derek leaves a son Mark and a daughter Christina.
Informed by fellow OC Rodney Lyons