Rugby Centenary Celebration
You are invited by the Caterham School Rugby Department and the Old Caterhamian’s Association to attend a very special evening to celebrate 100 years of rugby being played at Caterham School. To mark this important milestone in our school history an exhibition of 1st XV team photographs from the past 100 years are being brought together for the very first time specially for this event. Join our celebration and see whether you can spot yourself or anyone you know in the exhibition. Further details about the event are below:
Drinks Reception and private view of the 100 years of rugby photography exhibition
Two course dinner with wine in the Wilberforce Hall.
There will be speeches, and a special auction and raffle. Funds raised during the evening will support bursary places for talented rugby players and the rugby department.
A pay bar will also be available during the evening.
We would like to thank the Old Caterhamians’ Association for supporting this event.
To sign up, please use the booking form below and email any dietary or access arrangements to oldcats@caterhamschool.co.uk.