
Michael (OC 2015) wins the Sports 2000 Championship

Congratulations to OC Michael Gibbins who won the Sports 2000 Championship with a double win. Featured here in this week’s Surrey Mirror. Silverstone Race Report – 5/6 October 2019 Qualifying…

Launch of Cat Amongst the Pigeons Magazine

Over 150 parents and pupils enjoyed a wonderful evening celebrating the achievements and talents of our arts and humanities pupils on Monday. The evening marked the launch of the arts…

Youth MP OC Rory Moore speaking on BBC News

‘MPs should learn from young people’   Click here to see the BBC News item on 28 September 2019. Two members of the UK Youth Parliament, Rory Moore (OC 2019)…

Entrepreneurship & Investment Evening

A stunning city sunset was enjoyed by Sixth Form, Old Cats and parents attending the Caterham School Society Insight Evening into Entrepreneurship and Investment. Wells Fargo’s London HQ was the…

Medics Talk

Thank you to OC Dr Hannah Wright and Dr Richard Wright who returned to the School on the evening of the 16 September 2019 to deliver a presentation introducing medicine…

Oxbridge Evening

Four OCs, Lucie Prego (OC 2016), Sophie Dawson (OC 2018), Amy Hill (OC 2018), Anna Gardner (OC 2019), returned to the school this week to appear on a panel of…

All the Nines Reunion lunch

Old Cats from the Classes of 1959 through to 2009 returned to school for a nostalgic lunch in the Wilberforce Hall (formerly known as the Dining Hall) with former classmates…

OCA Summer Sports Afternoon

We were fortunate that the weather stayed dry for an entertaining afternoon of cricket on Home Field. The OCs won the cup back from the School’s win last year. Cricket…

OC Harrison Osterfield in Catch-22

OC Harrison Osterfield plays Snowden in the new TV series Catch-22 directed by George Clooney which had its debut on Channel 4, 9pm Thursday 20 June. Catch-22, the 1961 novel…

OC Katie Mercer on U.S. unis

Having just graduated from the University of Michigan, Katie Mercer (OC 2016) returned to share her experiences of studying at an American university. She offered some invaluable tips on how…

The Oxbridge Process with OC Vincent Man

A selection of Lower Sixth Economists were put through their paces during an inspiring workshop led by OC Vincent Man. The Oxbridge process is a daunting one but the hopeful…

Podium finishes for Michael Gibbons (OC 2015)

In the past few months, Michael has been smashing his way to the top of the Sports 2000 championship. In Hockenheim, Germany, he gained podium finishes in all three races,…

Boarders Class of 2019 Leaving Dinner

This year we say goodbye to 50 Upper Sixth Boarders, who recently celebrated their wonderful time living at Caterham School by sharing a sumptuous meal in the Wilberforce Hall  with…

James Glancy (OC 2001) elected MEP

Congratulations to James Glancy for winning the recent EU Elections and becoming a Member of the European Parliament representing South West England.

First-hand History Lesson for Third Years

The history of Caterham School was brought to life as OCs from 1943 through to 1975 shared their school experiences with Third Year pupils at the OCA’s Over 60’s Summer…

From Caterham to the White House

US and Middle East politics expert, and Old Caterhamian, Geoffrey Kemp returned to school to give a fascinating Spring Term CSS Lecture entitled ‘From Caterham to the White House.’ Geoffrey Kemp…

CSS Insight Evening: Legal Dramas v. Reality

The Law Society provided a handsome venue as Sixth Formers, Old Cats and parents networked at the CSS Insight Evening, focussing this time on the reality of working in law…

OC Alexander Quessy Flight 100

In celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund, Alexander Quessy (OC 2015) will attempt to become the youngest Briton to solo circumnavigate the globe by…

Amazing Evening! OCA Annual Dinner 2019

A jaw dropping venue, old friends, amazing music and speakers plus first class food and wine made for a truly spectacular OCA Annual Dinner. London’s Drapers’ Hall was a wonderful…

Guest Judge OC Millie De Leyser

Old Cat Millie De Leyser returned to school as guest judge for the Junior Science Fair Awards Evening. The Wilberforce Hall was abuzz with science excitement as the Second Years…

OCA Spring Sports Afternoon 2019

We were delighted to see so many OCs return for an afternoon of sport on a beautiful Spring afternoon. Hockey, Football, Basketball and Netball were all played. To view more…

UK’s Leading Sporting Talent at Insight Evening

Leading lights from UK elite sport, including former pupils, shared their wisdom and tips for resilience and success with pupils, parents, Old Caterhamians and the whole school community at our…

OCs Reunited at BUCS Lacrosse Championships

Old Cats Robyn (OC 2015), Paige (OC 2015), Sarah (OC 2015), Lauren (OC 2017) and Harriet (OC 2016) were reunited on the lacrosse pitch at the Bath v Loughborough match…

Moncrieff Jones Annual Christmas Lecture

Once again it was a packed hall full of pupils, parents, staff and Old Cats for the Moncrieff-Jones Annual Christmas Science Lecture. This year’s talk was by Mike Bonsall –…

OC Rhia enacting social change

Rhia Patel (OC 2011-2016) is using her year out during university to live and work in Buenos Aires for Delicias de Alicia, an organisation running educational cooking workshops for underprivileged…

OC Katie Atkins returned

This year Caterham’s production was In The Heights, an exciting blend of hip-hop and salsa from the sensational creator of Hamilton, Lin-Manuel Miranda. Katie Atkins (OC 2007) returned to school with her…

Remembrance Day Memories

What does Remembrance Day mean to the Caterham School community …   “For me, remembrance is a time when we can all too briefly step out of our own busy,…

OC Day – Remembrance Sunday

Remembrance Sunday – Marking 100 Years For five days the senior cadets were busy selling poppies around school, and on Thursday they made their own personal tribute to the Old…

Memorial Plaque in Ypres

We are delighted to announce that a plaque commemorating the Old Cats who fell on the Western Front in the Great War is now in situ in St.George’s Chapel, Ypres….


Experienced and aspiring entrepreneurs and investors from across the Caterham School community gathered at UBS’ London headquarters for a special networking evening, sponsored by the Old Caterhamians’ Association. UBS Economist…


On Thursday evening, over 100 pupils were involved with celebrating and exhibiting their wonderful work through the launch of the new arts and humanities magazine Cat Among the Pigeons. The…


The close of another successful school year was celebrated with Speech Day on 7 July 2018.  Elspeth Finch MBE, engineer and entrepreneur, was the School’s guest of honour and inspired…

Young OCs return for Uni Day

The School welcomed back eight Old Caterhamians (OC 2017) to school on 3 July, to enlighten Lower Sixth students on what to expect in their first year of university. They…

Le Mans Chequered Flag for OC Charlie

Charlie Robertson (OC 2015) completed the legendary Le Mans 24 Hour race in June, in the top LMP1 category at the age of just 21 years old. Charlie’s motor racing…

Rosie Clarke OC British Champion 2018

Congrats to Rosie Clarke for becoming British Champion 2018 from all at Caterham School. Read more about Rosie’s achievements and inspiration in Omnia.

Nigel Mason Celebrates 30 Years at Caterham

Caterham’s driver and porter Nigel Mason recently celebrated 30 years at the School over the Easter half-term. Nigel was away on a geography trip to Wales at the time of…

OC Boarders’ Reunion

The OCA was delighted to host its third annual OC Boarders’ Reunion on Saturday 24 March. Current boarding staff shared a drink with former pupils of all ages – one…

OCA Annual Dinner

Team GB athlete and Old Caterhamian Rosie Clarke (OC 2003 – 2010) was the guest speaker for the OCA Annual Dinner on Friday 16 March. The sell-out event was held…

OCA London Networking Drinks

The London Capital Club was abuzz with Old Caterhamian networking on Thursday 1 February 2018. Old Cats working in a variety of industries, from business and education to medicine and…


In June 1987, it was my husband’s (Robert C. Hallam’s) 50th birthday and prior to the event I had been racking my brain as to what special gift I could…

The 17th Man

By Peter Osborn (OC 1947–1953) In 1965, the Old Cats Rugby Club joined together with the Whiteoaks Cricket Club (which had many OC players) as they, like us, had no…


By William Broadhead (OC 1953–1960) In the 1950s, the Old Caterhamians RFC played next to St Mary’s Church on the Dene Field where there was a small shed with a…

Old Caterhamians, Caterham School, Elliot Hall

Elliot Hall (OC 2015–2016) England Squad

This is an incredible achievement for Elliot who becomes the school’s first international representative in Rugby League, following in the footsteps of our Director of Sport, Mr Rob Clarke, who…

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