La reunión 2016
Class of 2016 keep up an annual reunion with the Spanish department. This year was their fifth reunion. Five out of seven of these Old Cats went on to study Spanish at university.
“We get together every summer and it’s great to catch up with our old teachers on life at school and on our working lives now. A lot of fun is always had.”
Pictured from left-right is George Robinson, William Ireland, Neil Parker, Rhia Patel, Debbie Nye, Sophie Nye, Emma Coleman, Isabel Blake and Patrick May.
The OCA are here to support Old Cat reunions … do let us know if you are planning a reunion – we love to see photos of your reunions and for year group reunions perhaps we can help you reach out to Old Cats you may have lost touch with. Just email: oldcats@caterhamschool.co.uk