Eothen Headmistress remembered and OEs reunited
Saturday 7 May 2022 saw the first Eothen reunion since the end of lockdown. The day started with the memorial to one of its Headmistresses, Diana Raine, who was at the helm for 19 years from 1973-1992.
The memorial structure was taken from instructions that Diana had left for her funeral, which included her favourite hymn, readings and music. The service was conducted by Caterham’s resident pastor, Julian Thomas, with readings and eulogies sent in by former staff and old girls.
Click here to view a recording of the memorial.
After the Service, a Reunion Lunch was held, attended by nearly 100 old girls and former members of staff as well as five members of Diana Raine’s family. A delicious lunch was served of a starter of goat’s cheese tart, followed by roast chicken with vegetables and a dessert of lemon cheesecake. Judging from the chatter and laughter everyone had a good time. A presentation of flowers was made to Vivien Parsons, Secretary of the EOGA and the reunion had an impromptu singalong by Geraint Jenkins who sang Ar hyd y nos in Welsh (All Through the Night) as a reprise of his television performance in 1978.