OC Harrison Osterfield in Catch-22
OC Harrison Osterfield plays Snowden in the new TV series Catch-22 directed by George Clooney which had its debut on Channel 4, 9pm Thursday 20 June.
Catch-22, the 1961 novel by Joseph Heller, considered one of the most influential books of the 20th century, famously adapted in director Mike Nichols’s 1970 film, will be revived as a six episode TV mini-series. Harrison’s character, Snowden, is a tail gunner who does not know what awaits him on his first mission.
Clooney was particularly impressed by Harrison and has been quoted saying “Harrison, I think, worked two days on this, as the young man who dies in the back of a plane…His scene is spectacular and lights up the screen.”
Harrison made his feature debut in Spider-Man: Homecoming and Avengers: Infinity War for uncredited roles. He will be playing Farnbranch Man in the upcoming film Chaos Walking adapted from the Patrick Ness novel.