Moncrieff Jones Annual Christmas Lecture
Once again it was a packed hall full of pupils, parents, staff and Old Cats for the Moncrieff-Jones Annual Christmas Science Lecture. This year’s talk was by Mike Bonsall – professor of Mathematical Biology from Oxford University. His area of research includes modelling how disease outbreaks such as Zika and Malaria will spread, an ever more important area of Biology in our age of global warming. Only this month Congo has announced the worst outbreak of Ebola in its history. The talk included information from a paper published by Old Cat Ross Hendron who studied Biology at Oxford at St Peters College with Prof Bonsall. Ross Hendron was also vice-President of the Moncrieff-Jones Society 7 years ago. It was a fantastic to see so many Old Cats returning for this lecture.
Did you know that it was Sir Alan Aird Moncrieff OC (Old Caterhamian), who played a prominent role in establishing preventative and social paediatrics with Europe? In 1946, Moncrieff was appointed the first Nuffield Chair at the Institute of Child Health which was founded at the Great Ormond Street Hospital in the same year. He played a prominent part in establishing the National Perinatal Mortality Survey, which will explore how serious a threat Ebola, Zika and Malaria pose, and how science can deal with these outbreaks. All OCs, pupils, parents and staff are welcome.
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